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Housing fund restoration vital

The Spokesman-Review

Our state has an amazing resource: a housing trust fund. The HTF has provided substantial financing for well over 2,000 affordable residential units in Spokane County, serving literally thousands of our local citizens, including persons impacted by the current recession, households with extremely low income, families, single disabled adults, persons with development disabilities and seniors.

Thanks to the HTF, our area had been fortunate to add up to 400 units annually to our affordable housing stock, as well as to assist many households to become homeowners. In 2010, however, due largely to a $100 million cut in the HTF last year, less than 150 new rentals are expected to open for occupancy.

Our state House of Representatives’ proposed capital budget restores $100 million to the HTF, enabling the development of 2,000 affordable units statewide. The Senate must match the House’s commitment in the Senate’s capital budget. At the Spokane Low Income Housing Consortium, we receive 50 calls weekly from families and individuals seeking affordable housing. Consortium member developers are committed to providing that housing. Everyone should have the opportunity to live in a decent, affordable home. Restoring $100 million to the housing trust fund provides that opportunity.

Cindy Algeo

Executive director

Spokane Low Income Housing Consortium

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