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Problem solver needed

The Spokesman-Review

The inflation that occurred in our property assessments prior to 2008 was caused by the “housing bubble” and the Idaho state mandate that the assessor’s office follow state guidelines when making their assessments. Now that housing sales have become close to nonexistent we find that our assessments are at least 25 percent higher than market value and still at the 2007 levels that Jerry Clemons said he would “fix.”

Jerry Clemons has had plenty of time to make the uniform adjustments needed so we are not burdened by unfair taxes. The lack of uniformity in assessments appears to be a problem he is incapable of fixing. His problem is primarily due to his lack of background and knowledge in assessment. He lacks the ability to perform a simple assessment, and it just makes sense that an assessor should have the training necessary to do so.

Vote for someone with the experience to bring our property assessments back to a uniformly fair level. Vote for Tina Harvey on May 25.

Tari Pardini


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(509) 459-3815

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