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Plenty of blame to share

The Spokesman-Review

In reading the May 20 letter about the GOP being a “threat, not a fix,” I wanted to respond with some facts that Mr. Pappas neglected to mention in his editorial rant on the GOP.

Since I was born in 1954, we have had five Republican presidents and five Democratic presidents. Each party shares the blame equally in the past, present and future U.S. economy as well as all her laws and policies. The Republicans alone do not make up his “evil government” status, at least according to factual history.

Both World War I and World War II were declared under Democratic presidents. World War I was declared under Woodrow Wilson and World War II by Franklin Roosevelt. I would also like to mention that the only time a nuclear bomb was ever used in warfare was ordered by Harry Truman, also a Democratic president.

Who ordered the bailout of the banks, insurance companies and car industry in 2009? Who has legislated 1,600-plus pages of health care without reading through what all they wrote? The Democrats. Just the facts, sir.

Bill Sahlberg


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