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Couplet is progress

How refreshing to read Councilman Dean Grafos’ article in the Oct. 30 Valley Voice section of The Spokesman-Review regarding the SVBA membership and the push to progress backward and unnecessarily revert to two-way traffic on the efficient Sprague-Appleway corridor.

Further, the SVBA’s erroneous full-page ad in the Thursday Valley Voice showing the closed Kentucky Fried Chicken building as proof that businesses just can’t make it on a one-way street; the SVBA and Mr. Rudy failed to note the construction of a brand-new building and the anticipated opening of a new business virtually directly across the street from their forlorn-looking fast-food restaurant.

SVBA, guess true entrepreneurs can make it on a one-way, and Mr. Gothmann, please note the “big-box” WinCo store that seems to be doing OK on a one-way.

Thank you, Councilman Grafos, for listening to the people, not the minority interests!

Gary Wheeldon

Spokane Valley

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