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Mistakes explain poll losses

Well, it’s finally over. While President Obama admits he got “shellacked,” he and most Democrats still do not understand why. In his press conference, he stated the recovery has taken too long, and communication could have been better. Actually, it was a bit more than that.

How about passing legislation that nobody was allowed to read prior to the vote, and which nobody could understand afterwards, and then lying about the costs? How about stabbing our allies like Israel and Eastern Europe bloc nations in the back, while making nice with Iran and bowing to the leader of Saudi Arabia? How about his refusal to extend the tax cuts even in the light of the dismal economy? How about his cozy relations with ACORN? How about his support for cap and trade?

It has become painfully obvious to everyone except the Californians that this is not the “change” we were really looking for.

The Democrats’ gamble that the voters would forget the Obamacare debacle by Election Day didn’t pay off. Now we must wait to see if the Republicans will fumble the ball away again or act like the fiscal conservatives they present themselves to be. Hopefully, they’ll get it right this time.

Hal R. Dixon


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