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Photo reactions overboard

Cartoons, Trent Yohe’s unfortunate death, Donald Clegg’s atheist views, police actions, etc. – and now anger because of a photo of a recently deceased person. Does semantics enter the phrasing in that if it was not recent – say the body was a day old – it would be OK to publish the picture?

Another perception to consider would be to look at it as to “what kind of message is this sending?” Four recent letters to the editor are clear, but what about this: If anti-social beings out there don’t want to end up the same way, do what law enforcement officials direct and what is lawfully so. Do exactly as commanded – drop the weapon and follow orders – period!

Law enforcement officials are getting slammed without merit for their actions in dealing with the criminal aspects of the general public, and it is time to cease. Think about it; at least it was not a photograph of a recently killed police officer, sheriff’s deputy, state trooper or federal agent.

Last point: Unless there is clear and convincing evidence of police misconduct, expedite the investigation and clear them – period!

David J. Rosenbeck

Medical Lake

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