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Answer may be in court

Regarding the guest opinion “Surest safety is disarming,” by former 30-year sheriff’s Deputy Chan Bailey (Sept. 26): Certainly all law-abiding citizens in this country will forever be appreciative of police protection “in the line of duty.”

When Mr. Bailey finally addresses the purpose and issue for his column, he fails to explain one very important “fact” that led to the death of Wayne Scott Creach. In a Spokesman-Review report dated Sept. 21, “Sheriff releases tapes …,” Deputy Hirzel was reported to have “told Creach repeatedly to drop the gun but that he refused and tucked it into the back waistband of his pants, then refused Hirzel’s orders to lie on the ground.”

It is going to, possibly, take a jury in a criminal or civil court to decide if the only way that Deputy Hirzel could get Mr. Creach to lie on the ground, was to shoot (and kill) him.

Joseph Rudmann


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