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Party doesn’t have to matter

In this time when there is little agreement between political parties, we have very few politicians who really put their constituents first. That’s why I’m glad to live in Washington’s 6th District. I am currently represented by three men who aren’t locked into their “party line.” They vote for what is best for the people.

I have followed the work of Chris Marr, Kevin Parker and John Driscoll. I have found them to be thoughtful about their votes as they do what’s best for the 6th District. They have the conviction to vote against their party’s leadership when necessary.

As an educator, I have seen all of them work for students. Mr. Marr responds quickly to my e-mail question about budget cuts. Mr. Parker has reached out to educators to get information on relevant educational topics. They care about what we think and what we need.

The way these two Democrats and one Republican work should be a model of other districts around our state. When we start throwing out politicians, let’s make sure we don’t throw out the good with the bad. I strongly support these three men who do it the right way.

Walt Clemons


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