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Civic’s volunteers slighted

I have been involved with Civic Theatre since its beginning in 1967 and need to comment on Jim Kershner’s article about Spokane Civic Theatre (“Civic-minded leader,” Aug. 29).

It is disturbing to me that, while Yvonne A.K. Johnson’s leadership of Civic Theatre is not in question, there was little mention of the countless hours of work that volunteers have given to this theater. Without the dedicated support of so many people (actors, educators, professional musicians, stagehands, etc.), the money raised for improvements to the facility through fundraising concerts the last five years would not have been possible.

Civic Theatre is a community theater run by staff, a board of directors, but most importantly supported by numerous volunteers. I find it insulting that so little mention was made about the contribution of the many fine people over the years that have supported Spokane’s Civic Theatre so generously with their time, talent and financial support.

Larry D. Jess

Principal trumpet, Spokane Symphony Orchestra Spokane

I would like to ask candidate Pat Monasmith a question. In four years our current Stevens County prosecutor, and may I also include the three county commissioners, have done little to nothing to protect the citizens in regards to enforcing court-ordered protection orders.

Mr. Rasumussen’s legal philosophy is that anyone can use racial slurs, disparage the handicapped, and that women’s right to protection matters very little. It is the other person’s “right of speech.” This is exactly what the current prosecutor’s office has been practicing for the past four years.

Mr. Monasmith, what are you going to do about enforcing protection orders. How, as prosecutor of Stevens County, will you protect people of color, the handicapped, women and the defenseless?

Please do not give us a political answer that sounds good. Give us something that we can live by and trust in.

Rick Hoisington

Nine Mile Falls

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