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Just follow the directions

Say you purchase a new unassembled bicycle, put it together without following the provided instruction manual, go out for a ride and something doesn’t work right and you get injured. Is it your fault for not following the instruction manual or the manufacturer’s fault?

The way things are in this country you sue the manufacturer and win a hefty settlement but in all honesty you are to blame for not following the instruction manual.

It could be said our country is falling apart because our government’s operating manual, the Constitution, is being ignored. We continue to vote for politicians who, in their lust for power or ignorance of the Constitution, do almost anything they desire. Their actions have put our country on the verge of ruin and severely restricted our liberties.

Ultimately, it is the American people who are to blame. We continue to vote politicians into office who ignore the Constitution. We have not read the operating manual for our government and so ignore it when the Constitution is violated.

Whatever you choose to believe, our nation’s problems can be attributed to this simple fact. It’s so simple even a caveman could understand it.

Leo J. Fagan


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  • We cannot accept more than one letter a month from the same writer.
  • With each letter, include your daytime phone number and street address.
  • The Spokesman-Review retains the nonexclusive right to archive and re-publish any material submitted for publication.

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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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