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Compromise is a necessity

The following is a quote that I hope all politicians will consider; it is by Louis L’Amour in his book “Education of a Wandering Man”:

“Unthinking people often despise politicians, but if we do not have the best people it is our own fault. Politics is the art of making civilization work. Many young people despise compromise, but without it, the world would come to a standstill. If I cannot have my way and you cannot have yours, perhaps there is a middle ground we can both accept. It is as simple as that, and every day of our lives we are compromising in every possible way, adjusting and adapting to what needs to be done.”

This is what needs to be done to govern our country. If the politicians will not do this, then we will end up in armed conflict just like the Middle East and other countries. Count on it.

Steve Marque


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