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Welcome, airport director

In these days of negative news about crazy politics (and politicians) and a frightening economy, what a breath of fresh air it was to read about Spokane International Airport Director Lawrence Krauter’s efforts to respond to consumer complaints and make Spokane a welcoming port in the storm of continuing terrible air travel conditions.

As a handicapped person who often struggles trying to get even my carry-on bag through the airport (and yet hesitates to pay the $4 fee to use a cart), what a welcome sight would be a sign saying “Free carts compliments of the Spokane community,” and then seeing a message on my computer saying “First 20 minutes of Wi-Fi free for your convenience” – also compliments of the Spokane community.

I really do think that signage needs to be there with the welcoming message. Just one more bright spot to let all who go through the airport know what a wonderful place this community is.

I thank Lawrence Krauter for his positive attitude toward all our visitors and residents.

Carrolyn Vidal

Newport, Wash.

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