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We need Baumgartner

Recently (Nov. 13, “Deficit pushed to election”) Sen. Patty Murray, co-chair of the failed Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction stated to The Spokesman-Review that “the fundamental problem (federal deficit) most likely will have to be decided by a national election.”

Apparently, it is beyond the scope of Congress to address this issue, with the Senate leading the way by refusing to address the House-passed budget the last three years. I agree with the senator that the upcoming election will be an excellent avenue to develop solutions to the tired rhetoric that she and Sen. Maria Cantwell spout blaming everyone except themselves and their reckless spending habits.

Running for the U.S. Senate in 2012 is a proven leader who is intelligent, responsible and effective, state Sen. Michael Baumgartner. He sponsored ESSB 5931 that consolidates five state agencies into two, and will allow the state to contract out nonessential services and was enthusiastically signed by Gov. Chris Gregoire. Patty, I agree with you, let’s all vote and send Mike to Washington to help you solve our problems!!

Ed Walther


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