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Caution commendable

When the Board of Spokane County Commissioners acts to appoint someone to an open legislative seat they represent every voter in the county and even the state.

Had the populist-oriented framers of the Washington state Constitution wanted to empower political parties to make direct appointments to vacancies they could have done so. But they didn’t.

Instead they created a system with checks and balances. Precinct committee officers send names forward that we hope they choose with care.

The next step is for the county commissioners to choose the person they collectively believe will do the best job.

When they make this selection they are not working for a political party. They are fulfilling their constitutional role on behalf of all of us.

They are putting a voice and a vote into the process that decides everything from rates of taxation to possible constitutional amendments, affecting every voter and taxpayer in the entire state.

I commend the thoughtful approach the commissioners are taking to review the candidates for the 4th Legislative District Senate seat.

Barb Chamberlain


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