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Johnny Reb unworthy

In last Sunday’s newspaper the Review editors prominently displayed an image of the Sons of the Confederacy firing rifles near the Alabama capitol building – adjacent to a similarly-sized article on the Wisconsin workers’ protest. My eyes were first attracted to the photo, not the informative text of the Madison story.

Why do that at a time when police still haven’t arrested the terrorist who placed the explosives backpack next to route of MLK march? Why give any space to disgruntled whites who still fantasize that the South will rise again? Why fan the flames of fear and racial hatred at a time when Spokane leaders are lining up to denounce racist violence?

One T-shirt found in the backpack suggested a link to Stevens County. But Colville leaders years ago booted the Confederates’ so-called Living History celebration and mock battle from our City Park. Review editors should explain their decision to print that ugly image alongside a compelling story about mostly white workers in Madison standing up for values and rights far more important than any rights due the defenders of chattel slavery.

The South will not rise again.

Chuck Armsbury


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