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Defending defunding

I love reading the talking points put out by the liberals in this country. Karen Dorn Steele’s letter (June 13) was of course a chance to take shots at Cathy McMorris Rodgers and is such a perfect example. The so-called “landmark” health care reform is a disaster in disguise. Suggestions of gutting Medicare by Republicans are a joke when you look at Obamacare – 2,700 pages of legalese few can understand.

It definitely guts Medicare by defunding it, but on the bright side, it will tell new parents how to raise their children. (According to standards set by a SOMEONE.) The derailing of this abomination may be one of the best things our representatives have ever done.

Also, speaking of huge donations given to politicians, you may want to check and see who gives what and to whom. Of the top 18 suppliers of money, 12 are unions. The first “corporation” to make the list gives roughly half of what the ONE biggest union gives.

As a former Democrat, the days of this party being the party of the people are gone. It now seems to be the party of the party.

Jim Cochran

Spokane Valley

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