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Remedial history

We now hear from those that are suggesting/demanding that the U.S. supply the protesters in the Mideast with body armor. Do we as a people have no memory?

We got stuck in Afghanistan again, because Ronald Reagan built up the Taliban with ground-to-air missiles, then bailed out of that country the day after the Russians departed, leaving a huge power vacuum which brought the Taliban to power.

Those missiles were then used on us. The Cheney administration forced our own troops to buy their own body armor, ’cause most of our money was being spent on “contractors.”

Our troops were the last force to receive armored Humvees, ’cause the contractors had priority over our troops. And now we are going to do more for the protesters than we were/are willing to do for our own?

The do-gooders are killing this country! Where in the budget is the money for this nonsense?

Charles Weber

Northport, Wash.

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