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American dream’s a fantasy

I agree with Don Hood (Letters, May 18). Taxing the rich isn’t the answer as they, like any other parasite, will simply find a new host to live on. The rich should pay more taxes because they benefit more from all that government spending that Don deplores. The right side of the spending street hires professional politicians like our congresswoman to keep their tax breaks and cuts.

Don and his fellow Republicans must own a lot of stock in General Electric and ExxonMobil, who get billions in tax breaks and make billions in profits. Essentially, the government is borrowing money to indirectly pay for dividend checks. Borrowing for wealthy tax breaks results in ever deeper cuts for public employees, schools, medical care, etc.

We vote rich and live poor. It’s the American dream to become wealthy, and we continue to vote for politicians like our congresswoman to preserve the fantasy. Let’s make all the people who benefit from government borrowing and spending line up at the U.S. Capitol steps. Most of us couldn’t even get close to the building as the streets and airports would be blocked by limousines and private jets.

Pete Scobby

Newport, Wash.

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