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Cop bashing is shameful

I am very tired of seeing all of the articles in this paper slamming Officer Karl Thompson Jr. and demeaning the Spokane Police Department. First off, neither you nor I were there at the scene, therefore, none of us public people knows exactly what happened. Only those involved know what happened.

I think before you, the public, shoot your mouth off bad-mouthing a very reputable police officer, I would encourage you to do your own investigation of what really happened. Things are being deleted from the news that is in the officers’ defense. But you, the public, do not know those facts because you are judgmental and just listening to what you want to hear that’s bad about Thompson.

Don’t you dare call on our officers if you have been raped, violated, robbed, beaten, since you are the ones condemning an innocent man.

Wake up and remember only God can judge Thompson, not you thankless citizens of Spokane. I couldn’t be more thankful that I am married to a Spokane police officer who recently just retired, as now he will not have to fall victim to Spokane citizens.

Shame on all of you for blaming this unfortunate event on Thompson.

Jan Anderson


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