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Don’t like Salvatori signs

Whenever I think of self-aggrandizement, I immediately think of Steve Salvatori. You know, the guy who rode into town four years ago from California and plastered our town with big life-size posters of himself proclaiming he was ready to rule as county commissioner.

He had only been here for two years. Well, he came in dead last, but he is back in the saddle. This time he is riding for a more modest City Council seat from one district. However, his huge signs are plastered all over the city once again. From the look of it, he doesn’t even know that his district is only a small part of the county.

Or maybe he just likes seeing his signs plastered everywhere. Or maybe he has a bad agent. Or maybe he has more money than sense. Does Spokane really need another full-of-himself politician who just came into town and thinks he can run things? Think about it.

Mary Weathers


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