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Boulevard is pleasant

In response to Mr. Alsept’s Sept. 27 letter regarding the ugliness of the stormwater drainage ditch along Country Homes Boulevard:

First, I am so pleased to be living on Country Homes in Spokane County, where the services of the Engineering and Roads Department and the Utilities Department, such as snow removal, street cleaning, etc., are excellent. And I would think that to many who commute, it is a pleasant part of their drive.

Secondly, Spokane County Stormwater Utility currently is working on plans to restore the drainage channel to a more natural state by removing the asphalt, putting in an underground perforated pipe along with organic topsoil and planting native grasses, bushes, or trees. They keep the residents and public informed. You can find out about this project from the Spokane County Engineering and Roads Department.

Lastly, I won’t touch the subject of Third World countries, but as far as the city of Spokane one only needs to mention the condition of the streets. In spite of this, I enjoy the many benefits of living near your city.

Janet Salomone


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