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Not tired of leadership

It’s been less than a year that Republicans stepped up to lead with the majority in the House, and so far I have been pretty impressed by all they have worked to accomplish. With our own Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers in leadership, we have a voice at the table and someone who is standing up for the best interests of the people in Eastern Washington.

Even with an overwhelming majority in Congress for over 800 days, Democrats could not pass a budget. Yet when Republicans took over in January, they banned earmarks and other wasteful spending in Washington, D.C.; they slashed their own member and leadership budgets and are looking where to make more cuts, and they brought transparency and debate back to the House floor.

Not to mention they worked on repealing and defunding Obamacare, which one writer at Forbes called a “budget busting, job killing health care law.”

And in the midst of the debt ceiling debate, Republicans were the ones who stepped up with a plan. Now let’s talk about who we’re “growing weary” of. It’s not Cathy I’m getting tired of.

Bob Sly

Republic, Wash.

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