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Government hinders job growth

The Labor Department announced the U.S. economy did not create a single net job last month. The national unemployment rate has been above 8 percent for 30 straight months, the longest streak we have experienced since the Great Depression.

With a record number of Americans on food stamps and a record of 46 million Americans below the poverty line, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the president is fixated on “green jobs,” funneling $527 million in loans to the Silicon Valley solar cell manufacturer Solyndra, which filed for bankruptcy Aug. 31. In our president’s eyes, success must be muted in favor of equal outcomes, so his platform is to “spread the wealth around.” What we need is less government spending and borrowing and fewer regulations.

I agree with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers and House Republicans: it’s time for the federal government to get out of the way. We want jobs, too, Mr. President. House Republicans have passed 14 jobs bills; the Senate hasn’t even looked at them. Perhaps if the president would spend more time telling the Senate to get to work and less time complaining about members of Congress, they could get together and get something done.

Duane Scott


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