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Election differences stark

The campaign ads are beginning for the fall elections. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is hitting the airwaves with the standard GOP message: the need to reduce spending and balance the budget. Sounds good, but how?

Refer to the Paul Ryan GOP budget proposal for insight. You’ll see that it will eliminate Medicare as we know it, cut funding to basic health services, education and other programs that impact the middle and working classes and the poor. At the same time, it will increase defense spending to support Defense Department contractors such as Halliburton, which will be paid for with cuts that affect the rest of us.

These fall elections are not really about a particular party or individual. They are about what political ideology and political agenda you want for our country going forward. All Republicans support the Ryan plan. Google and read the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) discussion of the Ryan plan. If you support implementing that plan, vote Republican. If not, you must vote Democrat.

Whatever party is in the majority at the outcome of the elections will dictate our future over the next few years.

Bob Pritchard


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