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Respect service, pay for war

I, my wife and 22 others in our retirement community informed Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray that we believe:

Legislators are elected to serve people who can walk and talk, rather than special interests, including corporations with no ability to walk and talk.

Loss of life, limb and mental stability in wars is a greater cost to individuals than loss of money paid through taxes.

Legislators should realize when one gives life, limb and mental stability in war, their contribution is greater than giving money to pay for wars.

Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and generations of the future should not be required to pay for unconscionable indebtedness caused by insufficient taxing.

Senators and representatives in Washington, D.C., should legislate to pay for past and present wars and for decreasing and eliminating national debt.

Legislation to pay for future wars should be defined and initiated before committing our nation to fight.

Since no wealthy people, or others, were drafted to fight wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the wealthy should do their part by paying higher tax rates.

Every legislator should pay attention to Jesus who said, “You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24).

James Isabell


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