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Retirees voting for Mead

As retirees and conservatives, we do not vote for taxes. However, the replacement levy for the Mead School District will be a necessary exception. They have made their case, and the facts are clear. Mead schools are highly rated by various outside evaluators, and the results speak for themselves: consistently high test and SAT scores, low dropout rates and a 91 percent graduation rate, with a high percentage going on to college. This has to be the result of robust programs, reasonable class sizes, and quality teachers. Why would we want to change that?

Mead spends less per pupil than 90 percent of Washington school districts and has low debt, at 18 percent of what is allowed by law. With other debt soon to be paid off, and no new taxes with this replacement levy, our actual school taxes will decrease. The high quality of the Mead district also adds to our property values.

Look beyond the deceptions in the negative ad campaign and vote with the facts to maintain the high quality of Mead schools.

Our problems with taxes are at the state and federal levels, not with replacement levies for high-quality local schools.

Mark and Linda McFall


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