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License plates for bikes

I would like to suggest that today’s bikes return to the old habit of having a readable license on the rear of their seats. That way we, the walking and driving public, can identify those idiots that think they own the roads.

Today, I followed one such upstanding citizen, and he blew through every stop sign and red light. I pulled up next to him and pointed out this failure, he suggested that I go have fun of the carnal nature. If this charming example of humankind had had any type of identification, it would have made it possible to inform our overworked police about a possible safety hazard.

As it was, I was took my frustration out on a pizza that definitely was not on my good carb list. So please, if I die in a diabetic coma, consider this law in my memory.

Make these idiots wear some sort of identification where they think; on their backside!

Deborah Jo Burnham


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