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Roskelley brings varied views

A vibrant democratic process requires thorough and open discussion and evaluation of all aspects of the issues. Laying all the facts out and including multiple perspectives increases the potential for quality decisions. Our current Spokane County commissioners tend to be like-minded. Thus, the information disseminated and acted upon by them risks being limited by a single perspective. In other words, we don’t know what we don’t know.

We need an additional viewpoint on that panel, an alternate voice in the discussion.

John Roskelley has always brought forth the other side of the story; the result of his tireless research and his keen recall of events, both locally and statewide. John is one, for example, who remembers why taxes were imposed, has monitored their actual use, and spoken out. He is ever mindful of the public purse. We must return him to the county commissioner’s office.

Phyllis Holmes


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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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