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Biased against Labrador

Perhaps Betsy Z. Russell is not aware of the code of ethics for professional journalists, or at least she was not factually fair toward Republican Rep. Raul Labrador, as her lengthy Oct. 21 article was grossly incomplete. The bias she displayed was more appropriate for the editorial page.

She failed to include the Exploring For Geothermal Energy on Federal Government Lands Act, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2012, the Self-Sufficient Community Lands Act, the Grazing Improvement Act of 2012, or the Preserving America’s Family Farms Act. Maybe she has read or seen the bumper strip that states “No Farms No Food.”

Russell’s misleading article was of the same underhanded slanting of the facts that Jimmy Farris exhibited when he announced he was seeking election. The Spokesman-Review is slighted by that sort of display.

Jeremy Conlin

Cocolalla, Idaho

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