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Vote Republican for jobs

For many years, I belonged to a union and was always amazed they supported the Democratic Party.

President Barack Obama canceled the Keystone pipeline, which would have employed 10,000 workers, many union. Not only would the pipeline employ these people, but it would open up refinery jobs. This would probably decrease gas prices, so it would be less expensive driving to work, and decrease dependence on foreign oil.

The Republican Party tried to override and approve the effort to advance the pipeline, but it was defeated by Democrats, including Sen. Maria Cantwell. Cantwell says she will do everything to get jobs, but her track record shows it is only hot air.

The president put 87,000 workers out of work by placing a moratorium on offshore drilling for oil.

How’s that for helping our job situation and the union labor force? We need to elect people that are for getting people jobs now. We need state Sen. Michael Baumgartner and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers who will work to get jobs and stimulate our economy.

Vote for Michael Baumgartner and Cathy McMorris Rodgers, friends of workers in Washington state.

Al Alexander

Spokane Valley

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