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Benn is impressive

I have spent the past month getting to know Tim Benn, who is running for state representative in the 3rd Legislative District, and you should get to know him too. I was first impressed with how he is running his campaign. His campaign donors and helpers come from the local area, and not from the West Side or out-of-state interests. Actually, he ran his primary campaign on a shoestring budget, spending only 84 cents per vote, and advanced to the general election.

At a time where most of us are struggling to pay our bills, wouldn’t you want a politician that can operate on a tight budget and get things done? I know he will be an advocate for small business and children from his experience defending child-care businesses in Olympia.

I am a state worker and active union member, so I asked him about state workers and union jobs. He said that when the business climate encourages growth and expansion, then all workers benefit: union and private workers. This is why I am voting for Tim Benn and I ask that you support him, too.

Jeff Martin


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