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Back Plummer-Worley levy

On Aug. 27, the Plummer-Worley community will make a choice for future generations of local children. Both Lakeside middle and high school have received a four-star rating from the state of Idaho, with Lakeside Elementary well on its way. This is the result of a lot of hard work on behalf of the staff and students, and we have every reason to be proud.

The cost of this levy is minimal and if approved will still be among the lowest in North Idaho. Currently, patrons are paying $1.49 per thousand dollars of taxable value. This levy would increase that amount to $2.65 per thousand, equal to about four lattes a month. It is sad to see us struggle financially while the staff and students work so hard for a quality education.

We need to put aside our own pride for the education of our children and the future of our community. I urge everyone to vote in the best interest of our community’s children.

Education is important, and you get what you pay for.

Stacey Sonder


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