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Leopard story outrageous

The article “Teens turn looters …” by Samantha Schaefer of the L.A. Times (Dec. 12) caught my attention for the story it did not tell.

Although I suppose the activities of the marauding teens in a vacant, east L.A. mansion are entertaining, my amusement was thoroughly eclipsed by outrage: Outrage at the events that led to the stuffing and mounting of the snow leopard. Outrage at the arrogance of the homeowner who unconsciously contributed to the death of the animal. Outrage at the inhumane and cavalier assessment of $250,000 for the animal as stuffed, and ignorance of the true value of the snow leopard in the wild. Outrage at the declining numbers of the snow leopard population and its shrinking habitat. And outrage at the journalist who overlooked the real story.

To all who participated in the chain of destruction, in the words of the late Johnny Carson, “may the fleas of a thousand camels invade your armpits.”

Lexie de Fremery

Sagle, Idaho

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