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End secrecy on Stephens

The rise and fall of Spokane’s former acting police Chief Scott Stephens was faster and more mysterious than the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, and much more dramatic. Stephens went from assistant chief of the Spokane Police Department to acting chief back to assistant chief and then to captain.

As if that wasn’t enough, he was then put on paid leave Dec. 20 at his annual salary of $155,800. This wasn’t bizarre enough, so Chief Frank Straub, the mayor and City Council then viewed these demotions in secrecy.

We have all heard the serenade by Straub that the Spokane Police Department will now be more transparent to the citizens of Spokane. I certainly hope this transparency happens before Stephens dries up the city budget.

Shame on you, Mayor David Condon and Chief Straub, for being so secretive to the citizens of Spokane.

James A. Nelson


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