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Give ’em hell, Mike

Liberals and Republicans in Name Only, or RINOs, is there any difference? It appears as if the terms are synonymous, since both factions are attacking a person with the gravitas to speak out. Assuming someone breaks into your house and steals from you, are you polite, asking them to take your money, to live long and prosper? Not hardly, unless you have been totally brainwashed by the politically correct crowd.

Political parasites making promises to influence the vote, thereby attaining office, would be well-served remembering the Boston Tea Party. And contrary to a recent inference, it is not a stigma to identify with the tea party and like-minded people. Mike Fagan’s characterization was very moderate when referring to any liars living at the expense of their constituency.

Using elected positions to basically rob and reduce living standards for current and future generations should be grounds for immediate recall and/or impeachment. There are multitudes who support and appreciate Fagan’s integrity and willingness to be counted.

A reporter once shouted to Harry Truman, “Give ’em hell, Harry!” Truman replied, “I don’t give them hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s hell.”

So please continue to tell the truth, Mike.

Tom Hayes


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