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Concentrated wealth is a danger in a democracy

Our crisis of governance is unresolved. The next emergency is scheduled.

Americans must accept the role of serfs, or historically low tax rates on unprecedented concentrations of wealth must be adjusted.

Our experiment in empowering oligarchs, devaluing work and shrinking the middle class has failed. The evidence is conclusive: A thriving middle class – not a fantastically wealthy ruling class – fuels job creation and economic growth. If insanity is doing the same thing again and expecting a different result, those who claim lower marginal tax rates create prosperity are insane.

Saying “Business hates uncertainty,” radicals force us to lurch from one hostage crisis to the next, using each to extort further austerity in the cause of concentrated wealth.

Confederate ideologues pronounced servitude a divinely endowed blessing for slaves. The powers behind the GOP appear to believe oligarchy is a divinely endowed blessing for serfs, who should abandon the idea of sharing the wealth created by work. In a republic of immigrants and their descendants who came here to escape that kind of thinking, it is necessary to conceal that agenda.

Why do “conservative” policies do the opposite of their stated intent? The intended result is the opposite of the stated intent.

Robert Maurice


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