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The royal City Council

On Aug. 25, my family and I went to Riverfront Park to enjoy the day. What an awakening I received. I didn’t know that Spokane’s City Council is royalty.

I parked in the parking lot across from City Hall and was able to use one of three available parking spaces. But guess what? There were eight additional parking spaces specially reserved for City Council members, and the reason I think they are royalty: The signs said City Council parking at all times.

I didn’t know that they worked on weekends and certainly didn’t know that they can keep the city from making a measly $40 a day in parking (or more with in-and-outs).

By the time we unloaded, the other spaces were taken and more cars were coming in. Too bad those folks could not enjoy the park because of the city’s royalty.

Norm Mossoni

Spokane Valley

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