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Learn to say no

One of the first words we say as a child is “no.” Over time as we age the word no almost gets erased from our vocabulary. We use “well,” “OK,” “maybe,” or “I guess” instead of what we are really thinking, which is no.

We want to be accepted by our family, friends and co-workers, and somewhere in this growth process when we are asked to help, date or take pay cuts, we forget the option of no. It doesn’t have to be said repeatedly, or consistently, but it does need to be said.

If I can offer any advice to young and old, it is to relearn when and how to say no.

If a child is being made fun of in class, say no.

If a date wants to go further than you are ready, say no.

If your family wants you to travel the farthest distance and still plan the party, say no.

If your boss wants you to take a pay cut, say no.

The concept shouldn’t be so hard, and may not win favors or friends, but if you don’t stand up for what you want or believe in, then who will?

Amy Quigley

Nine Mile Falls

Letters policy

The Spokesman-Review invites original letters on local topics of public interest. Your letter must adhere to the following rules:

  • No more than 250 words
  • We reserve the right to reject letters that are not factually correct, racist or are written with malice.
  • We cannot accept more than one letter a month from the same writer.
  • With each letter, include your daytime phone number and street address.
  • The Spokesman-Review retains the nonexclusive right to archive and re-publish any material submitted for publication.

Unfortunately, we don’t have space to publish all letters received, nor are we able to acknowledge their receipt. (Learn more.)

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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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