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Thomas for treasurer

I am writing in support of Laurie Thomas for the office of Kootenai County treasurer. As the Latah County treasurer, I feel qualified to recommend this intelligent, hard-working, honest woman. As chief deputy in the Treasurer’s Office for 13 years, Thomas manages the office, serves on management committees, prepares the budget and stands as treasurer when the elected official is unavailable.

Thomas is a 48-year resident of Idaho. She knows our people, the law and will represent you well as your treasurer. The office of the county treasurer is unique. It comes with a book of laws, rules and regulations and no wiggle room. The treasurer cannot change your taxes or the law. She is there to protect your money, make sound legal investments within the law and be available to the constituents for education and guidance.

The treasurer can only enforce the law fairly and equitably, making the rules the same for everyone, which makes the law fair for all. You do not want someone in this office that will make exceptions to the law based on personal judgment.

Don’t be fooled by fancy ads or campaign promises. Vote for experience and integrity; vote for Laurie Thomas.

Lois Reed


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