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McMorris Rodgers got off easy

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers was quoted on her Facebook page as saying that her town hall meeting in Spokane Aug. 18 was “productive.” She knows that she got off way too easy with the questions that were asked.

No one asked her “Why were you the only one from the Washington congressional delegation that voted ‘no’ for the disaster funding request for fires here in Eastern Washington and other locations before Congress went on the August recess?” She didn’t have any reservations in voting “yes” for disaster funding for both Katrina and Sandy. Also, no one asked her what was happening with her still pending House ethics violations.

McMorris Rodgers should have felt that the crowd was not into her, and all in all I thought that it was a boring event with little content. But the good news for McMorris Rodgers is that she can check the box that she had a scheduled town hall meeting in Spokane, which she had been criticized in the past for not having. McMorris Rodgers is a member of the most partisan dysfunctional Congress in the nation’s history.

This senior and veteran is voting for Joe Pakootas. We need a representative for the 5th Congressional District, and not a political operative of the Republicans in the other Washington.

Darrel Brown

Creston, Wash.

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