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Blackout on pollution

Regarding “Conference focuses on Lake Coeur d’Alene pollution, solutions,” (Nov. 19) by Becky Kramer:

Why is there a media blackout for exclusion of the source of the pollution leaching into the Coeur d’Alene Lake from the epicenter of the 1,500-square-mile Bunker Hill Superfund site? Why is there no consideration for expenditures for lead health intervention for the six generations of families living with chronic lead health conditions or those who recreate on the lake and are at risk?

Why is there no mention of the huge 60-foot-tall, 20-acre toxic repositories (temporary dumps) being built by the Environmental Protection Agency on the banks of the Coeur d’Alene River and communities? Why did the EPA approve the desecration of Native American ancestral grounds in the building of the toxic waste dump at the Mission of the Sacred Heart? The Mission National Historic Landmark is one of the most recreated areas in the Pacific Northwest.

Why does the EPA refuse to acknowledge permanent waste technology? How about a story accounting for the $700 million in just settlement funds? Why are those in the Silver Valley treated disproportionately to those living downstream in more affluent populations?

It is not right for only one-sided viewpoints. The EPA’s mission is to clean up the environment and protect human health.

Bob and Jeri McCroskey


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