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Unhealthy journalism

Oh no! Last time, a Rep. Paul Ryan look-alike tried to push granny off a cliff. Now, those nasty old white men are going to take away healthy school lunches; or so the media says in “GOP pushes to suspend healthy school lunches,” an article on the front page of the Dec. 6 Spokesman-Review.

For those who didn’t bother to delve deeper, here’s the truth: Many schools do not like the program created by the first lady, either because it is too costly and restrictive, or because the kids won’t eat the food and it gets thrown out. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has already allowed schools to delay some of the restrictions due to “significant challenges” they encounter in implementation.

In truth, this is all the GOP is doing, as well. They are supporting a one-year waiver that would allow schools to opt out of the standards “if they lost money on meal programs over a six-month period.” This is simply one more attempt by the liberal media to portray Republicans in the poorest light possible. It’s deceitful, unconscionable and the worst kind of journalism.

Hal R. Dixon


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