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Delavan dismissal dismaying

I’ve been at a loss of words and dismayed, as have so many others, at news of the bizarre dismissal of Greg Delavan from his post at the Coeur d’Alene Airport. Upon meeting Greg, the airport board and the wonderful office staff, I was impressed and elated with the precision of the airport’s operations.

Boyington Field is famous among aviators for its hospitality and lack of politics, thanks much to Delavan’s modus operandi. Everybody was on the same page.

I’ve never been so impressed with a public entity in my life. TO Engineers, the firm that has the engineering contract at the airport, has an admirable, seamless relationship with the airport, making building my new hangars there a happy, wonderful experience. Another manifestation of Delavan’s vision and congeniality.

So, it’s politics as “unusual” at Boyington Field now. The best antiseptic for shady politics is sunshine. Idahoans for Openness in Government and The Common Interest are great to have in situations as pitiful as this to help generate some impetus beyond a desperate letter to Dear Abby.

This is a huge, unfortunate mess.

Gary Stuckle

Davenport, Wash.

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