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Disgust for McMorris Rodgers

On Jan. 28, as I listened to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ response to President Obama’s State of the Union address, I did so with much disgust. Oh, I agreed with most of what she said and the manner in which she said it. The problem, for me, is that it was and is so disgustingly hypocritical. Especially so since in closing she called upon God and prayer.

Years ago, when she was my state representative (so called), she was in an ideal and logical position to come to my aid over a major injustice I had (and still have) over some Stevens County property I purchased.

Various legislators, including, at the time, the late House Speaker Tom Foley wrote me personally with kind suggestions and sympathy at least twice. McMorris Rodgers refused to even answer any of my letters, much less help me at the very time her aid might have been exactly what was needed. The only time I, and others who knew of my case, ever heard from McMorris Rodgers was when she was up for some election, or in correspondence in which she boasts of her so-called accomplishments.

They were mere form letters. What hypocrisy!

Ken Campbell

Deer Park

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