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Panhandling still a problem

I am writing this letter to letter to discuss the problem of panhandling in the Spokane area. While this has been a problem in the district for a while now, it seems to be getting worse every year and affects more people in the region.

Although Spokane is taking steps to get the homeless and panhandling people off the streets (panhandle ordinance in 2012), I do think the present system is at fault, and that it needs to be changed. Citing and fining these individuals is a solution to this problem, but I do not believe it is the most effective way to end this issue at hand.

Possible solutions should include making sure there are places these individuals can go so they are not starving and in need of a roof at night. Police will temporarily clear areas but, overall, it will not end it. If we can offer these struggling groups more places to reside and work, I believe it will cut down the number of beggars we see on Spokane streets daily. This might cost the city of Spokane more, but the effects will be well worth it.

Mac Richards


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