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Principles for Boehner

I ask Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to share the following principles with Speaker of the House John Boehner. Speaker Boehner wants to publish principles for governing in 2014. He should:

1. Affirm that the United States House of Representatives is committed to serving “We the people of the United States” per the preamble to the Constitution, not “we the politician.”

2. Affirm the primacy of Article I of the Constitution, especially Sections 1, 7, 8 and 9. This is the primary body with power vested in the Congress of the United States.

3. Affirm and act to maintain the sovereignty of the United States of America, its borders and the integrity of its citizenry, by enforcing all laws that pertain to these matters.

4. Govern by and hold accountable all levels of government to the rule of law. Enforce laws and stop any encroachment of such by the executive branch, its departments and by the judicial branch.

5. Protect and defend The Bill of Rights from any encroachment and/or subversion by the executive branch or any department of government, the judicial branch, and/or any enemy, foreign or domestic, of the United States.

David Wallace


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