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Not shooting for peace

In reading Sheila Fox’s July 14 letter, I have only a couple of things to say.

First off, she must be living in another world than the rest of us.

The reality is, if Hamas fighters lay down their arms, there would be peace. If Israelis were to lay down their arms, there would be death, instantly, for thousands of Jews, and the end of Israel.

Some may remember back in the late 1970s, when Israel and Egypt signed a peace treaty. Israel gave back thousands of acres of Sinai land to Egypt, displacing thousands of Jews in the area. To this day, there hasn’t been a single shot fired between Egypt and Israel as both sides have honored the treaty. The same for Jordan.

Bottom line: If Hamas wants peace rather than to destroy the Jews and Israel, all they have to do is stop the rockets, and they’ll have peace.

Stephen Berde


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