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Johnson for commissioner

It is with extreme pleasure I endorse the candidacy of Mary Lou Johnson for Spokane County commissioner. As her campaign website says, a vote for Mary Lou is a vote for “A Smarter Criminal Justice System,” “Smarter Planning for Regional Economic Developments,” “Smarter Use of our Tax Dollars” and “An Advocate for Citizen Concerns” without political double-speak.

With 74 percent of our budget directed toward public safety, we need a voice that can lead and implement smarter alternatives to incarceration, at the same time holding offenders accountable and spending our tax dollars wisely. Mary Lou has led this charge by working diligently on smart justice reforms and acting as a reliable consultant with suggestions made to the recent “Blueprint for Reform,” which is presently underway.

Having worked with Mary Lou for some time, I have witnessed her remarkable mediation skills, which will prove useful in leading the county to take on the role of coordinating economic development that is good for businesses and brings middle-class jobs. These skills will benefit the whole community and not just a select few.

Please join with me in making a smart choice for Spokane, vote Mary Lou Johnson.

Bob West

Spokane Valley

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