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What happened to GOP?

Whatever happened to the Republican Party?

It seems that in Spokane County we have two parts to the party: We have the neo-con Republicans, who are similar to Democrats; and the conservative Republicans, who represent their constituents. Looking at the candidates who are running for office this election cycle, it is plain that the neo-con Republicans are running neo-con Republicans for just about every office presently held by conservative Republicans.

The Republican Party has turned into a cannibalistic party: Members appear to want to eat their own. They will throw good representatives under the bus in order to have candidates they can control.

Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric they are spouting. It’s not what they say they can do, it’s what they do if they get into office. The Republicans in office now have proven they can do the job and do it well.

If you look close, there is a weasel behind the bushes.

The Democrats are probably laughing all the way to the bank.

Leo Fagan


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