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Spokane VA saved me

With all of the bad publicity the Veterans Affairs health care program is receiving at this time, I thought I should write a letter to say something good about them and thank them.

Recently, I developed a medical problem and had to use the urology department at the Spokane VA hospital. I honestly don’t think I could have received any better or more timely and thorough treatment at any other facility, public or private. They saved my life.

To summarize, as in all organizations, there are always people who just don’t do their job. So I’m sure there are always going to be some problems to be solved to make the system work better.

I think that veterans that are served by the Spokane VA system can be darn thankful to the great team of dedicated and hard-working professionals that helped me.

Greg LaPapa


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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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